From: Sr. Daniela Bronka, Principal of St. Bede School
Out of an abundance in caution, I am writing to inform you that an individual associated with our school community has informed me today that they have tested positive for COVID-19. The individual is following the recommendations of their treating physicians and guidelines set forth by the CDC and PA and Allegheny County Health Departments.
Individuals who were in close contact with the individuals, defined as 15 minutes or more within six feet, have been individually contacted and advised to quarantine for 14 days from date of exposure. Should you have any concerns about your health, we encourage you to contact your health care provider and share these details.
Consistent with CDC guidelines, all buildings are regularly cleaned and sanitized. In addition, we continue to follow all diocesan, local, state, and federal health and safety directives, including wearing face coverings, handwashing/sanitizing, social distancing, self-screening,