This week, all over the world, Christians will be celebrating the great mystery of Christ’s love for us. In the Gospel of Luke today we read for the procession how Jesus enters Jerusalem with “Royal Treatment” as a humble king and gentle Messiah. Today, we bless the palm branches and carry them in high honor of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and today is the only Sunday that we read two gospel passages. Our liturgy is divided into three parts: commemoration of the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem, Liturgy of the Word, and Liturgy of the Eucharist. We end our readings with Luke’s Passion story of Jesus focusing on the crude trial and shocking details of his suffering and death. Much of the journey is taken up with Jesus teaching his disciples about the real meaning of discipleship.
As we begin the holiest week of the year, let us resolve to be merciful as we can to everyone who has hurt us, ridiculed us, betrayed us, or tarnished our reputation.
Under Construction, Spiritual Renovation!
Living Stations This Palm Sunday we welcome the St. Ferdinand Parish Youth Ministry Program as they perform “Living Stations.” This is a wonderful passion play on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Over sixty high school students will perform. Please join us this evening at 7:30pm in St. Bede Church. It is free and open to the public.
Holy Week Schedule Please join us for Holy Thursday, April 18 for 4pm Stations of the Cross at Mother of Good Counsel, Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7pm at St. James and St. Bede, Good Friday Liturgy April 19 at 1:30pm at St. James and St. Bede, (please note there will be no Stations of the Cross Good Friday evening). Blessing of Baskets will be held on Holy Saturday, April 20 at Noon at St. Bede. One Easter Vigil Mass will be held Saturday at 8:00pm at St. Bede, and on Easter Sunday, April 21 we will have our normal Sunday mass schedule: 8 am at St. Bede, 9:00am at Mother of Good Counsel, 10am at St. James and 11am at St. Bede.
Rectory Office Hours The Rectory Office will be open 8:30am to 5:00pm this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and closed Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Monday. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 22 at 8:30am. If you need assistance after regular business hours please call my office at 412-661-7222 ext. 207.
Spring Retreat Please note that I will be out of the office on my Spring Retreat, Monday, April 22 thru Friday April 26. Please hold any phone calls or e-mails until I return Saturday morning, April 27. If you need assistance please contact our Office Manager, Terri Price at 412.661.7222 ext. 205.
Mass Survey Members of our Joint CCEEP Pastoral Council have developed a Parish Survey to obtain parishioners input for the future weekend Mass time options. The mass surveys are available either via e-mail or copies are in all of the three churches. We ask that you prayerfully reflect on participating. Please return the hard copy forms in the collection basket or drop it off at one of the parish offices.
PARISH ASSEMBLY -All parishioners of the Catholic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh, but especially those of St. Charles Lwanga Parish, are invited to attend a
Parish Assembly on Sunday, April 28 immediately following
9:00am Mass in Mother of Good Counsel church. Fr. Taylor and I, (along with the Advisory Councils), will review the long-term maintenance needs of Corpus Christi church and the financial challenges the parish is facing with regard to necessary repairs. Please join us for this session where we will look at our current realities including demographics, financial reports and proposals for moving forward.
St. James Parish Improvements I am pleased to announce that the long anticipated concrete repair work to be done at the St. James Campus will start in the next several weeks! The chapel steps, main entrance steps, handicap ramp, Rectory steps and Ministry Center driveway will be repaired. Raimono Concrete Company of Greensburg has been the contractor selected. Funds from “Our Campaign for the Church Alive” and donations from several Anonymous Donors are making this project a possibility.
Congratulations Congratulations to
Arkadiusz Ronald Nigborowicz, son of
Patrick and
Nicole Monahan Nigborowicz who is being Baptized this weekend!
Congratulations to our Sister Thea Bowman Catholic Academy Principal Stephanie Michael on the birth of her son
Thomas James!
Something to Think About… Everyone lives on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.
Andy Rooney