This weekend we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Lent, also known as Laetare Sunday, or Rejoice Sunday. We are half way through the Lenten Season. All the readings this weekend focus on having a change of heart.
In the First Reading from the Book of Joshua, we read how the people of Israel stand within the promised land. After forty years of wandering they finally cross the Jordan River. Now it is time for their descendants to enjoy God’s promises.
In the Gospel of Luke, we read the famous passage of the “Prodigal Son” or “Forgiving Father.” In this gospel passage, Jesus addresses the Scribes and the Pharisees. The merciful father of the parable reveals the nature of God and challenges us to be forgiving and merciful with one another. As individuals and as a community of faith, we grow and change, we fail and find ourselves at odds with God and with one another. Our past can be overcome and we can make a fresh start.
As we approach this “half way” mark of the Lenten season, let us let go of all that gets in the way of our relationship with God and others. If there is something that separates us from God, Lent is a good time to be reconciled and know the freedom of coming home. What was lost, has now been found!
Under Construction, Spiritual Renovation!
Spring Cleaning Last Saturday, Tarax Cleaning Services of the North Shore did some “detail cleaning” at St. Bede School, with cleaning the cafeteria, kitchen, floors and restrooms.
Lenten Activities
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a great time to get refreshed and renewed. A Taize and Penance Service will be conducted this Sunday, March 31, at 3pm at St. James Church.
The Light is on for You. Every grouping will have a church open from 6pm to 9pm for Confessions, private prayer and meditation on Wednesday, April 10. St. Bede Church will be open that evening with two priests available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Living Stations- Sunday, April 14, 7:30pm at St. Bede Church, St. Ferdinand Parish Youth Ministry Program performs “Living Stations.” Over 60 High School Students will perform this live production of walking the road to Calvary with Jesus. Very powerful program. Families and youth are encouraged to attend.
Mass Survey Members of our Joint CCEEP Pastoral Council have been meeting the past several months developing a Parish Survey to obtain parishioners input for the future weekend Mass time options. In the next few weeks we will be distributing these surveys. With six weekend masses in our grouping (based on having two full time priests assigned to the grouping) we will gather input from parishioners on what they would suggest the new mass schedule could be. While it is impossible to make everyone happy, it will give the Joint Pastoral Council, staff and clergy some options of what the weekend mass schedule could be. Stay tuned in the next couple weeks for the survey to be available.
CCEEP Finances Recognizing that offertory collections and mass attendance has been down the last several months in our parish grouping and Diocesan wide, it is ever so important that parishioners of St. Bede, St. Charles Lwanga and St. James continue to financially support their parishes. With the reduction of offertory income, comes a financial hardship to the parishes to pay the bills.
The Joint Finance Council is in the process of creating the parish budgets for the 2019-2020 financial year. All three parishes continue to have major repairs needed for all the buildings and grounds and all three continue to struggle to pay the bills. As we prepare to merge into one parish family in January 2020, please support your parish with the regular weekly offertory and participating in the Parish Share Campaign. We are all in this together and appreciate your financial support!
Congratulations Congratulations to
Timothy Paul Snyder, son of
Benjamin and
Laura Viccaro Snyder who is being Baptized this weekend.
Second Collection This weekend’s Second Collection is being taking for Catholic Home Missions and National Catholic Collection for Black and Indian Missions. Please be as generous as possible.
Something to Think About… It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what’s changed is you.
Eric Roth