This week marks the First Anniversary of the horrific mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, just up the street from St. Bede. This senseless act of violence has changed our city and community forever. In this very troubling world where there is violence, hatred, war and division, we pray for peace, love, and humility.
This weekend we celebrate the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Our readings focus on trust and having humility. In the First Reading from the Book of Sirach, we read how a wise teacher reflects on the justice of God. The poor and the lowly have God to protect them. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus teaches a parable using a Pharisee and a tax collector to reaffirm his teaching that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. This parable is only found in Luke and Jesus addresses this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness and despised everyone else. The Pharisee thinks he is better than others but the tax collector knows who he is and what has done and there is no pride or arrogance.
Let us be careful of judging others and being self-righteous and approach God in the Sacrament in a spirit of humble recognition of his mercy and forgiveness.
This weekend at all of the weekend Masses, we welcome the Rev. Liddy Barlow, Executive Minister of Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania who will be speaking on non-violence on this First Anniversary of the Tree of Life Massacre.
Be Humble!
All Saints Day is Friday, November 1
st. We will have three masses: 9am at St. Bede, 9am at St. James (with our students from Sister Thea Bowman Catholic Academy), and 7pm at St. Bede.
All Souls Memorial Mass will be held Saturday, November 2
nd at 9 am at St. Bede. Families that have lost a loved one during the past year are invited to attend. Throughout the month of November, we will have a Memorial Board listing the names of all the CCEEP parishioners who had their funeral Mass held at CCEEP the past year and a Book of Remembrance will once again be in the front of the church near the altar where you can place names of loved ones who have passed on. We will remember them at every daily and Sunday Mass throughout the month of November.
Maintenance Update All three of our campuses have experienced several maintenance issues recently. Here are some critical issues we are facing:
There was a water main break last week on Rebecca Avenue and Sister Thea Bowman Catholic Academy Cafeteria was flooded. The sidewalk in front of the Ministry Center lifted up. The school gym was also damaged over the summer due to heavy rains and flooding. The Diocesan Office of Property and Planning is assisting us with an Insurance claim and repairs.
The steps and several sidewalks in front and around the St. Bede School entrance along Edgerton Avenue need repaired. The school roof will need to be replaced as there are leaks in several of the classrooms. The Boiler in the basement will eventually need to be replaced.
A heating unit for the St. Bede Activity Room malfunctioned last week.
The Boiler at Mother of Good Counsel Church malfunctioned last weekend. There was no heat available last Sunday for the 9 am mass.
The Holy Rosary Rectory is experiencing several roof leaks and a pipe is leaking in the basement.
The Roof at St. James Church continues to leak. We are getting bids and also conducting a “Raise the Roof” campaign to collect funds to get it repaired.
We appreciate your financial support to our CCEEP Community to continue to make improvements and repairs to our three campuses. If you would like to make a contribution to one of the projects listed above please let me know.
**Please note because of the 9 am Mass of Remembrance
there will be no Eucharistic Adoration or Confessions next Saturday morning, November 2
nd. **
Congratulations to Andrew and Theodore Cala who are being Baptized this weekend.
Happy 100
th Birthday to Grace Corbett, who is celebrating her special birthday this weekend!