This weekend we celebrate the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. All of the readings focus on mercy, forgiveness, and grace. What was lost has now been found.
In the First Reading from Exodus, we read how Moses steps forward to intercede with God on behalf of the sinful people worshipping false gods. Moses pleads with God to forgive the people. In the Second Reading from Paul’s letter to Timothy, we read how Paul expresses gratitude for the grace of God that saved him from his sinful pride and ignorance and concludes with a prayer of praise. In the Gospel of Luke, we read how the Scribes and Pharisees are dismissive of Jesus. He offers three parables: the lost sheep, lost coin, and the lost son (or forgiving father) displaying God’s love and forgiveness.
A major theme stressed in St. Luke is forgiveness. The readings challenge us to welcome back others and be welcomed back, whether we are forgiving or being forgiven. Our lives must reflect a deep desire to be merciful and compassionate as we learn to imitate the image of the loving God who invites us to return. No matter what we have done or not done, let us let go of past hurt, anger, grudges, or lack of self-esteem and seek out the Sacrament of Reconciliation to be forgiven and get a fresh clean start, and be nourished with the Holy Eucharist.
This weekend we welcome Fr. Peter Mushi for this year’s annual Diocesan Missionary Co-op Appeal. Fr. Mushi will speak at all the Masses on behalf of the Apostles of Jesus, Missionaries for Africa and the World.
This weekend is also “Catechetical Sunday.” We thank all those who teach the faith in our parish: School Teachers, CCD Catechists, and RCIA. We also thank Teresa Maynor, our Director of Religious Education; Sister Daniela Bronka, St. Bede Principal; and Stephanie Michael, Sister Thea Bowman Catholic Academy Principal.
Parish Assemblies As we move forward to becoming one parish family in January, 2020, we are making preparations to merge. To be transparent with our parish communities. Fr. Taylor and I ,along with the Joint Pastoral and Finance Council, will be hosting three Assemblies:
Next Sunday, September 22 after the 9 am Mass at Mother of Good Counsel Church and after the 11 am Mass at St. Bede Church and Sunday, September 29 after the 10 am Mass at St. James Church. Please join us for one of the sessions.
On Line Giving As we continue to move into being one parish, we are
going to be using one On-line Giving provider, Faith Direct. St. James and St. Charles Lwanga already use Faith Direct and St. Bede parishioners will be as of October 1. Those who currently use on-line giving will be contacted via letter on how to make the change.
Parish Improvements
Toth Carpeting and Flooring of Munhall installed outdoor carpeting on the front porch of the St. Bede Rectory.
Looking Ahead The CCEEP Century Club Banquet will be held on Sunday, September 22, at the Edgewood Country Club. New members are welcomed for 2019-2020. The dues are $100.00 a year and you will be eligible for one of four $25.00 cash prizes each month. To join contact Judy Prata at 412.731.1439.
Blessing of Pets
In honor of the memorial of St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals, we will have a Blessing of Pets, Sunday, September 29, at 2 pm on the green lawn in front of St. Bede Rectory at the corner of South Dallas Avenue and Edgerton Avenue.
Sacrament of Anointing The Sacrament of Anointing will be available after all the Masses the weekend of October 5th and 6th. If you are experiencing health issues or are scheduled to have surgery in the near future you are most welcome to receive the Sacrament. The purpose of the Sacrament is to strengthen the spiritual health of the person.
Vacation 2019 Please note that I am currently finishing up my annual vacation to the Atlantic Coast thru Sunday afternoon. I will return to the office Monday morning, September 16.
Wedding Bells Congratulations to Lauren Evans and Derek Drnevich who are celebrating their wedding this weekend!
Welcome A special welcome to Brian, Melissa, Giona, Mia and Abri Blasiole who recently registered at CCEEP.
Something to Think About…
The difference between Mercy and Grace?
Mercy gave the prodigal son a second chance. Grace gave him a feast.