Recently I was at my friends Tom and Cassandra’s house on the South Side for dinner. Cassandra commented that when she was out shopping earlier in the day that it seemed like people were “extra friendly.” We talked about the current events with the recent violence that took place in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio and how, after a negative event, it often brings people closer. Families, friends, co-workers, classmates, neighbors all have differences of opinions, and political and religious beliefs. Listen to any of the news channels and you get various opinions on the state of our country. Even in our own church we can seem divided.
This weekend we celebrate the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary time. The readings focus on keeping the faith especially when we face persecution or divisions among our family.
In the First Reading from the Prophet Jeremiah we read how the prophet Jeremiah’s life is in danger. Often referred to as the weeping prophet, Jeremiah scolded the Jewish leadership for its failure to worship the one true God. Members of the royal household urged King
Zedekiah to execute Jeremiah and throw him into an empty cistern. A Court Official eventually speaks up to save his life. In the Gospel of Luke, on his way towards Jerusalem, Jesus declares that his message will be the
cause of conflict and division among families.
When we face hostile rejection because we follow Jesus, we are challenged to go deeper into the heart of Jesus. How do we contend with insults, gossip and broken relationships? Jesus’ entire life seemed to be marked by division and controversy especially with the Pharisees and Sadducees arguing over him. Only Jesus’ love and forgiveness can bring unity.
Pray that we may be One!
Becoming One We are just four months away from becoming one parish. Thank you to all who submitted suggested names for our new parish. Our Joint Pastoral Council will be reviewing the list.
We have already combined our staff, Religious Education and RCIA programs, bulletin, newsletter and website. In the next few months: we will be moving towards one online giving provider, Faith Direct; one envelope company; one cable, telephone and internet provider; and one computer network support for the new office at the start of the New Year. Stay tuned for further bulletin and newsletters for more information.
Do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith? Are you baptized in another faith and would like to be Catholic? Are you baptized Catholic but need Communion and/or Confirmation? The Rite of Christian Initiation Program (RCIA) will be starting in a few weeks. Please give me a call at 412. 661.7222 ext. 207 or email me at
[email protected] to discuss.
Parish Improvements
A 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 Truck was recently purchased to be used by our Maintenance Department for all three campuses. Special thanks to CCEEP parishioner and an employee of CarSense of Robinson Township, Tony Delazio, for assisting us in finding the vehicle. Thanks to several anonymous parishioners and the St. Bede Woman’s Guild for their donation in helping purchasing this much-needed vehicle.
The restroom in the entrance of St. Bede Church recently received a fresh coat of paint and the old wall paper was removed. Special thanks to Melissa Viator for making this project possible.
CCEEP parishioner, Judy Sclarsky, recently washed and ironed the altar server cassocks and surpluses and cleaned out the drawers and placed drawer liners in the St. Bede Sacristy cabinets. Special thanks to Judy for making this possible.
Tarax Cleaning Services recently performed the annual summer cleaning inside St. Bede Church. They washed and waxed the floors in the vestibule, bathroom, altar and sacristy.
We are in the final home stretch of construction on our St. Bede School STREAM Learning Center. Please join us for a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebration next Saturday, August 24, after the 5:30 pm Mass with Bishop William Winter.
**We are seeking out contractors and bids to renovate the second floor of St. Bede Rectory to become offices. If you know of a good contractor, please have the contractor call the office at 412.661.7222. **
Congratulations to Rudolf Hudson Lapid, and Shylar Lene Moore who are being baptized this weekend.
Welcome A special welcome to Janice Meade and Moira McGinley who recently registered at CCEEP.