This weekend we return to “Ordinary Time” as we celebrate the Thir-teenth Sunday. The readings this weekend focus on following God’s call and serving the Lord.
In the first reading from the Book of Kings, we read how the prophet Elijah calls Elisha and anoints him as a prophet to succeed him. In the Gospel of Luke, we begin reading what scripture scholars refer to as the “travel narrative” as we read how Jesus begins his long journey towards Jerusalem and teaches his disciples about the unconditional nature of discipleship. Luke portrays Jesus as setting forth very clearly the se-verity and the unconditional nature of discipleship.
We are called to follow the Lord and proclaim God’s Kingdom, no matter what the cost. Whether we feel un-worthy, unwilling, or afraid, let us trust the Lord.
Have Faith!
Summer Daily Mass: Join us for daily Mass Monday thru Saturday at St. Bede at 9am. We also have the Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays, the Mother of Perpet-ual Help Novena on Wednesdays, and the St. John XXIII Novena for the Sick. Eucharistic Adoration and Confes-sions are held on Saturdays at St. Bede from 9:30am to 10:30am.
Independence Day is this Thursday, July 4. We will have 9am Mass at St. Bede. Let us celebrate Independence Day thanking God for our Faith and Freedom!
New Mass Schedule effective July 20: Thank you to all who participated in our Mass survey. Over 430 people participated. Our Joint Pastoral Council along with the CCEEP staff reviewed the comments and suggestions and the overall response was to have two options for the Saturday afternoon Vigil Mass but keep the current Sun-day mass times.
Effective Saturday July 20, the new Mass schedule will be:
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm St. James
5:30 pm St. Bede
Sunday: 8 am St. Bede
9 am Mother of Good Counsel
10 am St. James
11 am St. Bede
CCD Religious Education Sundays 9:45 am - 10:45 am St. Bede
This summer, Masses at St. James will remain in the church. For those who prefer a cooler environment, St. Bede’s church is air conditioned.
Parish Improvements A new mail box has been in-stalled on the St. Bede Rectory front porch. If you need to drop any paperwork or keys after normal business hours, just drop it in the secured mail box slot.
On Mission For the Church Alive! Last week the CCEEP Parish Staff along with the Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils met with Dr. Linda Ritzer from the Par-ish Services Office to hear the upcoming planning proc-ess for our parish merger which will take place on January 6, 2020. Dr. Ritzer explained the time line and process of choosing a parish name, conducting parish as-semblies in September, combining our church accounts and staffing. During the next several weeks our Pastoral Council team will be meeting to discuss how parishioners will have an opportunity for input on selecting our new parish name. If you have any questions about the up-coming merger please contact one of our Pastoral Coun-cil members, or feel free to speak to me in person.
This is the first weekend for the first five new parishes to be established in our Diocese. Let us pray for the people of the North Side, Brookline/Beechview, Castle Shannon/ Mt. Lebanon, Green County and Lawrence County as they begin their new journey.
Welcome I am pleased to appoint
Janice Reed to our Joint CCEEP Pastoral Council, representing St. Charles Lwanga Parish. Special thanks to
Barbara Bauknight for her service on Council over the past several
Welcome This we week we welcome
Christine Pacifico as our new Business Manager. A graduate of Penn State University, Christine has a Bachelor’s Degree in Ac-counting and a Master’s Degree in Higher Education.She is a Certified Public Accountant, lives in Murrysville and is a Member of Mother of Sorrows Parish.
Welcome Home A special welcome to:
Megan Cala; Frank, Robin, Jonah and
Nolan Ricci, who recently registered at CCEEP.
Wedding Bells Congratulations to
Amanda Skoner and
Joseph Sforza who are celebrating their wedding at St. Bede this weekend.
Congratulations to our four newly-ordained priests serv-ing the Church of Pittsburgh!
Happy Belated Birthday to
Gerard Rohlf from our music staff who celebrated his birthday back on June 17!
The Second Collection this weekend is for Peter’s Pence. This annual collection helps the Holy Father to provide assistance to those who suffer from war, oppres-sion, disease, and natural disasters. Please be as gener-ous as possible.
Something to Think About…
Faith is taking the first step
even if you don’t see the whole staircase.