This Sunday we celebrate the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time and the readings focus on mercy, love, and forgiveness.
In the First Reading from Wisdom, we read how a wise king reflects on God’s boundless mercy. In the Gospel of Luke, as Jesus travels through Jericho on his way towards Jerusalem, he encounters a rich tax collector named Zacchaeus who is short in stature and climbs a tree to get a better glimpse of Jesus. This encounter transforms Zacchaeus. He was a tax collector, a profession known for dishonesty and crimes against the poor. Zacchaeus has an urgent desire to see Jesus and seek salvation. Jesus calls us to follow him and live out our vocation more deeply. With confidence, we come to our father with hearts in need of forgiveness and mercy.
The month of November is traditionally a time to remember our loved ones who have gone home with the Lord. At every Mass during this month we will offer our prayers for the names of our loved ones who are listed in the Memorial Board near the altar at all three of our church campuses, and the names listed in the Book of Remembrance.
This coming Tuesday, November 5 is Election Day. Please remember to vote!
Seek the Lord!
Rite of Intention This weekend at the 11 am Mass we welcome three participants in our Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) program who are seeking to learn more about the Catholic faith. We welcome
Daniel Michael Bonano, Colleen Luptak, and
Sylvia Sng. We welcome them to the Catholic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh and continue to pray for them and their sponsors as they learn more about the Catholic faith. They will become official members of the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil next Spring.
RCIA meets every Tuesday evening from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Activity Room at St. Bede. If you’re interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or need the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and/or Confirmation please contact Teresa Maynor at
[email protected] or call the Rectory office at 412.661.7222.
Parish Improvements
The boiler was inspected and a new thermostat was installed at Mother of Good Counsel Church.
Landscape work was recently completed around the St. Bede Church, Activity Center and rectory with various trees and bushes pruned.
The Diocesan Office of Property and Planning recently visited St. Bede School, St. Charles Lwanga Rectory and St. James Church to inspect the roofs. We are seeking out bids to see what we can afford as we prepare for the winter months to control the various leaks.
The gymnasium floor at Sister Thea Bowman Catholic Academy will be totally rebuilt due to water damage from recent flooding. An insurance claim will cover this project.
Renovations to the St. Bede Rectory second floor continue with new electrical wiring being installed and the old wall paper being removed.
** Thank you to all who are contributing to our Maintenance Fund. Your generosity is helping us complete these much-needed projects! **
Becoming One Last week, Fr. Taylor and I met with the Diocesan Presbyterial Council to officially petition to merge our three parishes. We now await the Bishop’s decision on choosing a name for our new parish. Four names were submitted:
Blessed Trinity, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Martin De Porres, and St. Oscar Romero.
Staff Changes As we continue combining our staff and move the St. James and St. Charles Lwanga offices to the St. Bede Campus before the end of the year, we continue to restructure our staff based on the needs of the new parish and the financial resources that we afford to operate on a balanced budget. Effective December 31,
Joyce Broadus, our current bookkeeper at St. Charles Lwanga, will retire. We thank Joyce for her 26 years of service and wish her well on her retirement.
Congratulations to
Yardley Marrion who is being Baptized this weekend.
Congratulations to
Curtis Bell Jr. for winning the Steeler Basket and
Conrad Johnson for winning the surprise basket sponsored by the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary.
Wedding Bells Congratulations to
Jessica Koller and
Keith Smith who are celebrating their wedding this weekend!
Congratulations to
Kenneth andRoberta Chuzie who are celebrating their 30
th Anniversary this weekend!
Something to Think About…
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously.