Today celebrate the Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings focus on humility.
In the first reading from the Book of Sirach, we read how a teacher talks about the wisdom of serving God with humility. Ben Sira advises his students to cultivate virtues and develop life-long habits essential to living wisely. Both humility and almsgiving draw the wise person into a right relationship with the Lord.
In the Gospel from St. Luke, Jesus challenges the Pharisees to invite the poor, crippled, lame and the blind when holding a meal. Luke focuses events such as the context of a meal for opportunities for Jesus to teach. By exercising humility Jesus says the one who humbles himself will be exalted. Humility is a distinctly Jewish virtue and one Jesus embraces as the foundation of his teaching on the Kingdom of God.
As we celebrate this Labor Day weekend, let us be thankful for the blessing gifts of labor God has given us. Please join us for Mass this Monday, at 9 am.
Be Humble!
Parish Assemblies As we move forward to becoming one parish family in January 2020, we are making preparations to merge. To be transparent with our parish communities, Fr. Taylor and I along with the Joint Pastoral and Finance Council will be hosting three assemblies: Sunday, September 22, after the 9 am Mass at Mother of Good Counsel Church and after the 11 am Mass at St. Bede Church and Sunday, September 29, after the 10 am Mass at St. James Church. Please join us for one of the sessions to get your questions answered and hear correct information.
RCIA Do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith? Are you baptized in another faith and would like to be Catholic? Are you baptized Catholic but need the Sacraments of Communion and or Confirmation? The Rite of Christian Initiation Program (RCIA) will be starting Tuesday, September 17.
Weddings/Funerals/Baptisms Weddings celebrated in the Catholic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh start at 2 pm on Saturdays. A few people have asked to have different start times for their wedding because of later dinner receptions, but we need to keep a set time to avoid any confusion with the priest, organist and wedding coordinators.
Funerals are at 10am Monday through Saturday.
Baptisms can be scheduled either Saturday morning at 11 am or during or after Mass on the weekend at any of the three of our campuses.
Church Hours St. Bede Church is open Monday through Friday from 6 am to 5 pm; Saturday 7 am until after the 5:30 pm Mass; and Sundays 7 am until after the 11am Mass.
Mother of Good Counsel Church is open one hour before the 9 am Mass on Sundays; and St. James Church is open one hour before the Saturday 4 pm
Vigil Mass and 10 am Sunday Mass. Holy Day and Holiday Mass times will vary pending the time and day.
Parish Improvements Minnick Signs of Greensburg installed three new LED lights on the front and side of St. James Church.
Vacation 2019 Please note that I will be heading on my annual vacation to the Atlantic Coast this week September 5-15. Fr. Taylor, Fr. James and Fr. Augustine will be doing the daily and Sunday Masses along with Fr. Peter Mushi from the Apostles of Jesus conducting the annual Diocesan Mission Appeal the weekend of September 14 and 15. Please hold any phone calls, messages, and emails while I am away. I will return to the office, Monday, September 16.
Congratulations Congratulations to Dominica Clemente and Mary Melton who are being baptized this weekend.
Wedding Bells
Congratulations to Eileen Milcic and Michael McMahon who are celebrating their wedding this weekend at CCEEP.
Welcome A special welcome to Thomas and Debra Reed who recently registered at CCEEP.
Next Sunday’s Second Collection is for the Bishop’s Education Fund to help families receive scholarships for Catholic Education. Please be as generous as possible.
Thank you Thank you to Carolyn Menard for coordinating the special “Moving Day” a few weeks ago, and to the volunteers who participated in the St. Bede Back to School Clea-up Day last Saturday morning. We had a lot of great hands to help spread mulch on the playground, weed the garden, and wash the cafeteria chairs.
Something to Think About…
Humility is the only true wisdom by which we prepare our minds for all the possible changes of life.