Lord of all creation, you give all the precious gift of life. We all are precious in your sight. You lead us in the light of your love. May this light open our eyes to the beauty and blessings of all human life.
Respect Life Activities
Respect Life Baby Shower, beginning October 5 through October 20. The CCEEP parish community will be collecting new and gently used baby and toddler items for the “Mary’s Child” program of our Social Ministries. Suggested items include, but are not limited to, infant and toddler clothing, crib and bathing linens, formula, disposable diapers and wipes, and small furniture items.
These items can be placed in or near the boxes located in the back of the church at St Bede and St. Charles Lwanga, and at St. James in or near the bassinet at the break in the pews. Cash donations should be placed in one of the envelopes found by the boxes or bassinet and placed in the offertory collection.
Place your donation to the Baby Shower in or near the collection area at one of the campuses by October 20.
The Sacrament of Anointing was administered after all the Masses on October 5 and 6.
Support the differently abled members of CCEEP at all the Masses on October 12 and 13.
The Celebrate Life Social and Donut Sunday will follow the 10 am Mass on October 13. The celebration is in the Chapel and will continue into the afternoon… so if you are at the 11 am Mass, come afterwards. Refreshments and donuts will be provided and you are welcome to bring a dish to share. We will have cards available to be signed and sent to parishioners who are homebound or in nursing homes. As always, all are welcome to come and enjoy the Fellowship!
The Mass for Children and Youth of CCEEP will be on October 20 at 10 am at St. James.
Rev. Liddy Barlow will speak on non-violence on the First Anniversary of the Tree of Life Massacre at all the Masses on October 26 and 27.