This weekend, we celebrate the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is also “Respect Life” Sunday. The readings this weekend focus on relationships: a suitable partner, marriage, covenant and commitment.
In the First Reading from Genesis we read how God provides a suitable partner for Adam who will no longer be alone. God created human beings for companionship with all of creation and with each other. Husband and wife become one flesh.
In the Gospel of St. Mark, we read how the Pharisees and the Disciples both question Jesus about divorce. Faced with frustration over the Pharisees trying to test, trap, and twist his words, Jesus seems refreshed in the company of children. If we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to perfection in us.
Let us pray for all families who have been hurt by divorce or separation. Pray for our young couples to stay committed to one another. A family that prays together stays together!
Trusting in God’s Love!