On December 1 and 2 after the 4 pm and 10 Masses, donations for the St. Nicholas Stocking will be collected at the exits of the church. These donations will be used by our Social Services for those of our community in need.
The St. Bede Athletic Association benefits from the annual sale of freshly cut trees from Musser’s Farm in Indiana, PA. Wreaths, garlands and tree delivery are also available.
During the month of December, body soap (bar or liquid) is requested for the St. James Food Bank. Please place these items in the containers provided at the break in the pew at St. James Church. Thanks for your continued support.
Dear Parishioners: John W. Hughes, husband of longtime St. Charles Lwanga parishioner Helena Hughes, died on November 22, 2108. They were married for 60 years. Please keep John, Helena, their family and friends in your prayers
Christmas Wafers or “Oplatki” are available at the rectory offices at St. Bede and St. James. Each package contains four blessed wafers for you to use during your Christmas Eve or Day Dinner. Suggested donation is $4.00.
There will be a performance of the Sacred Music of Mary Lou Williams on Saturday, December 1, from 7 to 9 pm at Bellefield Hall, located at 315 South Bellefield Avenue, 15213.
Magi Trees will be in place at St. James on Thanksgiving weekend. Your participation will be very appreciated by those in need. Please select gift tags for the needs of our neighborhood and community. All are requested to use the registration form by the trees for the tag # and your contact information. Gifts will need to be returned to the church by the December 8/9 weekend.
Day of Reflection What are you doing this year for Advent? Come join the Catholic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh on December 1st for a day of reflection at St. James Chapel.
The Angel Tree is set up in the handicapped section near the playground. Please feel free to take an angel to provide a gift for someone less fortunate this Christmas.
The Catholic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh will be having a 2-day Parish Mission, “Igniting the Light of Christ Within You,” featuring national Catholic Speaker, Paul Koleske!
Bishop David Zubik will host four listening sessions in late November and early December, and is asking parishioners and others to attend to express their thoughts and concerns, and to offer suggestions following the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report.
Nicola Estes, longtime parishioner of the former Holy Rosary and Saint Charles Lwanga died November 8, 2018. Funeral Mass will be on November 14 at 11 am at Mother of Good Counsel Church. Please keep Nicola, her family and friends in your prayers.
The Diocese of Pittsburgh is establishing an independently administered survivors’ compensation program to aid those who suffered abuse at the hands of Catholic clergy. The specifics of the program will be announced by the end of the year. This is the second such program created by the diocese. The first was established in 2007.
The Confirmation candidates ask you, the parish community of St Bede, to support them with your prayers by taking a card from the RED BASKET in the back of Church.
Anna Marie (Marra)Teresi, former parishioner of St. James, died on November 3, 2018. There will be a funeral Mass at St. James on on Monday, November 12, at 10 am. May she rest in peace.